Today, May 12, 2016, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released the 8th update to the Oil and Gas Production Facilities Permitting Guidance (O&G Guidance). This release is based on DEQ’s analysis of oil and gas operations, as Wyoming continues to be a leader on ensuring the air quality is protected.
Since 1997, the O&G Guidance has described the Best Available Control Technology for use by the oil and gas production facilities. Under state law, oil and gas exploration and production wells must use the best available control technology for construction and modification.
DEQ’s most recent update to the O&G Guidance was in 2013.
DEQ began work on the current update to the guidance in January of 2014, and involved extensive stakeholder outreach. A primary goal for this guidance update was to align requirements for concentrated development areas with the newer areas of development in the state. Key changes for this guidance include:
- Establish a new area that combines the previous Statewide Area and Concentrated Development Area.
- Require controls for emissions of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants of 6 tons per year or more from tanks and dehydration units at single wells in the new area.
- Require controls for truck loading emissions of 6 tons per year or more of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants for all areas in the state.
- Update control requirements for pumping unit engines.
- Describe DEQ’s new electronic air quality permitting system (IMPACT)
“This is another great example of a stakeholder driven process that results in economically viable air quality improvements,” said Todd Parfitt, DEQ Director.
The updated O&G Guidance and associated documents are available by clicking here.