The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality recently began operating a mobile ambient monitoring station near Boulder. The station began operations Oct. 9 and will be in place for approximately one and a half years. The mobile monitoring station includes gaseous monitors for NOx, SO2, O3 and methane/non-methane hydrocarbons; continuous monitoring for PM10 and PM2.5; a camera system; and meteorological instrumentation. The station is located along the New Fork River about six miles southwest of Boulder for ozone precursor monitoring of those pollutants.
Unlike most of the WDEQ Air Quality Division’s monitoring stations, the Paradise Road Mobile Station is not sited in ambient air; therefore, data collected by this station are not used to compare with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and are for research and informational purposes only. All data from this site and a display of real-time concentrations can be found at More information about the formerly listed pollutants can be found at
The WDEQ’s Air Quality Division established mobile monitoring trailers throughout Wyoming and is operating those stations to help characterize air quality at various locations. The stations are self-contained monitoring shelters that can be moved to different locations in a relatively short time frame. The Air Quality Division plans to locate and operate the mobile monitoring trailers at each site for approximately one year at a time.