Cheyenne, Wyo – Today, July 7, 2020, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approved the coal mine permit application from the Brook Mine Company LLC, Permit No. PT0841.
The Brook Mine will be located approximately 8 miles northwest of Sheridan, Wyoming.
This approved permit application comes after several months of review by the Land Quality Division (LQD) staff and consideration of public input to develop the final version of the permit and conditions.
“Our staff put an incredible amount of time and effort into reviewing this application and ensuring that all laws, rules and regulations were followed,” said Todd Parfitt, DEQ Director. “As a result of the careful review by LQD staff and in consideration of comments received by the public additional conditions were added to ensure the environment, the public and Wyoming’s interests are appropriately protected”
According to Parfitt, the additional changes and conditions were added to the permit after receiving public input during the various comment periods and the informal conference which was held on May 13, 2020.
“The DEQ takes public input and comment very seriously. These changes and conditions show the importance and value of the public process,” added Parfitt. “We appreciate all parties’ involvement and time put towards this permit. This permit is consistent with applicable federal and state laws and regulations and protects Wyoming’s interests while allowing responsible development.”
“Since I assumed the role of Acting Administrator starting in 2015 relative to this permit, I have been very impressed with the professionalism of the LQD staff team,” said Alan Edwards, DEQ Deputy Director. “The staff very carefully reviewed and considered all information provided during the rounds of review, the comments received during the public comment period, and the oral statements provided at the informal conference. Some of the conditions included in the permit are a direct result of the public input.”
Permit conditions will require the Brook Mine to, among other things, avoid blasting on weekends and holidays, limit ground vibration to protect structures near the permit area, update wildlife monitoring data, further evaluate subsidence prior to highwall mining, and post a reclamation bond in the amount of $1,358,637 prior to any mining disturbance.