CHEYENNE, Wyo – Although fewer people are recreating in Wyoming’s lakes and reservoirs this fall as water and air temperatures decrease, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), Wyoming Livestock Board (WLB), Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming State Parks, and United States Forest Service want […]
WASHINGTON – The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement honored the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Abandoned Mine Land Division during the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs conference in Grand Junction, Colorado, on October 17. Wyoming won the award for reclamation work at Hanna Elementary School and the adjacent high school football field and […]
Todd Parfitt, Director of Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recently attended the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) Fall Meeting. Formed in 1993, ECOS is a national nonprofit, nonpartisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders. The focus of the Fall Meeting was “Taking Innovation to New Heights” and included presentations on State […]