DEQ adds mobile air quality monitor to Rock Springs

Rock Springs Ambient Air Monitoring Station

Cheyenne, Wyo – The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Air Quality Division (AQD) has begun operating a mobile ambient monitoring station in Rock Springs, Wyoming.  The AQD will be holding an open house regarding the mobile station on July 29, 2024, 4 p.m.– 6 p.m. at the Western Wyoming Community College Workforce Training Center. The public is invited to attend.  

The Rock Springs Ambient Air Monitoring Station began operations on July 3 and will be in place for approximately one year.

The Rock Springs Station includes gaseous monitors (NOx, SO2, O3 and methane/non-methane hydrocarbons), continuous PM10, continuous PM2.5, a camera system, and meteorological instrumentation. 

Throughout the State of Wyoming, three mobile gaseous monitoring trailers have been established and are being operated to help characterize air quality at various locations.  The mobile monitoring stations are self-contained monitoring shelters that may be moved to different locations in a relatively short time frame.

The Rock Springs monitor is located at the Western Wyoming Community College Workforce Training Center and was selected to monitor air quality in an area of recent population growth.  This station will allow the DEQ, Air Quality Division to evaluate Rock Springs and the surrounding areas on a variety of air pollutants.

All data from this site and a display of real-time concentrations can be found at  

Previous DEQ’ State of the Environment Podcast, Episode 3, Just Released

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