Wyoming’s Department of Environmental Quality Water Monitoring Program Implements Statewide Water Quality Study

By Kimberly Mazza, Jeremy Zumberge, and Eric Hargett Statewide – Since 2010, the Surface Water Monitoring Program at the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Water Quality Division has been engaged in a study to understand the overall water quality condition of perennial streams and rivers throughout Wyoming.  For the research to be on a […]

Intern Creates Native Plant Project StoryMap for the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Abandoned Mine Land Division

Sage Wright recently wrapped up her summer internship with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Abandoned Mine Land Division.  Ms. Wright is a student at the University of Wyoming and is working towards degrees in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Environmental Science. During her time at the agency, she created a StoryMap that showcases the […]

DEQ’ State of the Environment Podcast, Episode 4, Just Released. You Won’t Want to Miss it.

Cheyenne – The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality State has released a new episode of its State of the Environment podcast. The podcast’s episodes cover topics related to the agency and its work to help listeners be more aware of the work the DEQ and its seven Divisions provide for Wyoming.  Listen now to DEQ Director […]

Wyoming Debuts New WY Risk It? Video On LeadFreeWyoming.com

Statewide, WY – The Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments (OSLI) and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announces the addition of a new video on the website offering comprehensive resources for water systems completing the service line inventory process, LeadFreeWyoming.com  The video, titled “WY Risk It? Test Your Water Line for Lead” […]

VW Settlement Grant Fund Winners Announced

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is pleased to announce this year’s Volkswagen (VW) Settlement grant proposals for emissions reduction projects across the state. Proposed projects must involve methods to mitigate nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from vehicles listed within the eligible mitigation actions established in DEQ’s VW Mitigation Plan. More detailed information about eligible mitigation […]

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s Solid Waste Program holds first-of-its-kind workshop

By Kimberly Mazza WYOMING – The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Program held a first-of-its-kind workshop in Cheyenne, Wyo recently. Though the Solid Waste Program has held several workshops in the past, this was the first time that the Program partnered with another DEQ Division. In this training, the DEQ’s Air Quality Division (AQD […]