DEQ to recognize Asbestos Awareness

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will be recognizing Asbestos Awareness from April 1-7, 2024 to help the public better understand what asbestos is, where it comes from, what building materials might contain it and how to dispose of it. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral that was mined all over the […]

DEQ to recognize Asbestos Awareness

By Kimberly Mazza The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will be recognizing Asbestos Awareness from April 1-7, 2023 to help the public better understand what asbestos is, where it comes from, what building materials might contain it and how to dispose of it. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral that was mined […]

DEQ to recognize Asbestos Awareness

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will be recognizing Asbestos Awareness from April 1-7, 2022 to help the public better understand what asbestos is, where it comes from, what building materials might contain it and how to dispose of it. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral that was mined all over the […]

Asbestos Awareness Week

What’s Asbestos? Find out more Asbestos Brochure Page 1Page 2 Asbestos Program Click Here Why Should I Care About Asbestos? Asbestos can cause several types of cancer and damage to lungs when fibers are released into the air or swallowed. The more fibers a body takes in, the greater its risk for developing a disease. […]


Asbestos The Wyoming Asbestos Program enforces the state asbestos regulations for asbestos inspections and abatement projects. Program staff visit sites based on complaints, visit projects found as drive-by’s where no notification had been received, and they also visit projects where notifications have been received to check on contractor work practices. Program staff also provides clarification […]

Environmental Self Audit

Objectives Objectives REDUCEReduce pollution in the state by identifying and correcting past noncompliance, improving current compliance and preventing future noncompliance. RECOGNIZERecognize and incentivize owners and operators that discover and report violation(s) through Audits, by limiting or waiving civil penalties and/or injunctive relief, where such waiver is permissible. MINIMIZEReduce pollution in the state by identifying and […]

Outreach Efforts

All Abandoned Mine Land Administration Air Quality Land Quality Solid and Hazardous Waste Water Quality 50th Celebration Find our more about Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s 50th Anniversary. Air Quality Awareness Week The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality celebrated Air Quality Awareness Week from May 3-7, 2022.  Asbestos Awareness Week Asbestos can cause several types of […]

Active Sites

Active Orphan Sites This page provides information on Orphan sites that are currently active in the remediation process. These sites and specific information are listed on the right.  Visit the Orphan Site StoryMap for an interactive look at our current sites. Back to Orphan Sites Casper PCE Plume Casper PCE Plume The Casper Perchloroethylene (PCE) Plume Orphan […]

Brownfields Assistance

Brownfields Assistance Many communities in Wyoming have properties that are abandoned or underutilized because of known or suspected environmental contamination. These properties, known as “brownfields,” may require cleanup before they are safe for reuse or redevelopment. The DEQ established the Brownfields Assistance (BA) program to help local governments investigate, cleanup, and reuse brownfield properties.  Wyoming’s BA […]