DEQ has seven division's that work to protect and enhance Wyoming's Environment and Natural Resources.
The Abandoned Mine Land Division (AML) is responsible for reclaiming and remediating lands disturbed by historic mining activities prior to the passage of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act in 1977.
In addition to overseeing the scientists and professional staff of the Department of Environmental Quality, the Administration Division is responsible for the business operations of the agency.
The Air Quality Division works to keep Wyoming’s skies clean and clear by conducting permitting, monitoring and inspection in order to preserve our state’s air.
The Industrial Siting Division assesses socio-economic and environmental impacts for companies planning major industrial developments before they begin the construction permit process.
The Land Quality Division works to ensure that any land disturbances resulting from mining are minimal, and that affected areas are properly restored once mining is complete.
The Solid & Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) protects the health and environment of Wyoming’s current and future residents by ensuring proper management of solid and hazardous waste.
The Water Quality Division works to keep Wyoming’s water clean by monitoring and protecting surface- and groundwater in the state.