By Kimberly Mazza Evanston – The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) recently participated in the Wyoming Solid Waste & Recycling Association Annual Conference (WSWRA) in Evanston, Wyoming. WSWRA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of Wyoming residents through the proper management of solid waste. The […]
By Kimberly Mazza It’s so easy to throw trash away – a cereal box, expired food from the fridge, junk mail, a used Kleenex, a broken jar, etc. etc. etc. Just open the trash can lid and in it goes. But what happens after the trash can? Read more to find out what the DEQ […]
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) – Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program will be celebrating Solid Waste and Recycling Workers Week from June 17-23, 2023. DEQ will spend the week featuring the critical work of those in the solid waste industry. “Wyoming has over 200 solid waste facilities across the State,” according […]
DEQ Director Todd Parfitt, right, and SHWD Administrator Suzanne Engels present Craig McOmie with DEQ’s 2022 Public Servant of the Year award By Kimberly Mazza CHEYENNE – Craig McOmie was named 2022 Public Servant of the Year on June 5, 2023, for the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). McOmie is the agency’s Natural Resources […]
By Kristine Galloway CHEYENNE – Wyoming’s Storage Tank Program (STP) has the highest compliance rate in the country. That doesn’t sound exciting until you understand the significance of the accomplishment and what it means for Wyoming and its residents. Then, it’s fantastic! The STP regulates active underground and aboveground storage tanks in the state to […]
Statewide, Wyo. – The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Director, Todd Parfitt has named Suzanne Engels as the new Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) Administrator. Engels previous experience includes 13 years with DEQ where she worked within SHWD and the Water Quality Division. Additionally, she worked for the Colorado Department of Public Health […]
By Kristine Galloway SHERIDAN – Many of history’s greatest accomplishments succeeded because of the partnerships behind them. The U.S. wouldn’t exist if not for the coordinated efforts of the Founding Fathers. Modern air travel, and thus, society as we know it, would not be possible if not for the combined work of the Wright brothers. […]
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is recognizing America Recycles Day (ARD) today. DEQ also is celebrating the recycling contributions of Wyoming’s businesses and residents. Recycling and reducing waste are steps to protect the state’s environment in which everyone can participate. But recycling also creates jobs and can lower landfill costs for […]
By Kristine Galloway CHEYENNE – The weather is warming up some, and we just might see the early spring promised last month by revered groundhog Punxsatawney Phil. With warmer weather comes the tradition of spring cleaning, which increasingly includes tossing and recycling old electronics, especially because people receive new items as Christmas gifts. The Wyoming […]
Cheyenne, Wyo – On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) honored several employees who have given dedicated service to the department and the State of Wyoming. Oma Gilbreth, Storage Tank Program (STP) Compliance Supervisor for the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD), was named the 2018 DEQ Public Servant of […]