Upper Green River Basin, WY – Last week, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) – Air Quality Division (AQD) began conducting an air quality study of commercial oilfield waste disposal ponds in the Upper Green River Basin. The study is part of the AQD’s Upper Green River Basin Ozone Strategy. The goal of […]
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Air Quality Division (AQD) has begun operating a mobile ambient monitoring station in the town of Newcastle, Wyoming. The mobile monitoring station began operations on July 10, 2015 and will be in place for approximately one year. This station includes gaseous monitors (NOx, SO2, O3 and methane/non-methane […]
We are aware that EPA will be releasing today the final rule on the Clean Power Plans (111d). Public comments for the proposed draft rule, ended in December of last year. During that time, EPA received millions of comments from other states, industries, organizations, and individuals. As we have seen the initial fact sheets from […]