By Kimberly Mazza
Statewide, Wyo. – The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Water Quality Division (WQD) will host its first annual Wyoming Water Quality Conference at the University of Wyoming Conference Center in Laramie, Wyoming, October 17 – 18, 2023.
Over the conference’s two days, the WQD’s programs will explain primary elements of their responsibilities during general sessions and four tracks – Wyoming Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WYPDES), Groundwater, Water and Wastewater (W&WW), and Watershed Protection.
W&WW Program Manager Keenan Hendon and WYPDES Program Manager Jason Thomas have been developing their presentations and look forward to providing attendees resources for managing Wyoming’s water quality.
For the Water and Wastewater (W&WW) track, day one will include an overview of the DEQ’s W&WW Program and walk participants through the permitting processes for W&WW, Septic Systems, Sub-Divisions, Confined Animal Feed Operations, and Commercial Oil Wastewater Disposals.
“It is our goal to show attendees how to navigate through permitting processes and avoid pitfalls in order to streamline the process,” Hendon stated. “Additionally, we will allow time to address specific questions from the audience on permitting and sub-division reviews.”
Day two W&WW tracts will focus on available funding for communities to complete their Lead Service Line Inventory, which is required by the EPA to be completed by October 2023. Grants and Loans Manager for the Office of State Lands and Investments, Beth Blackwell, will present on Wyoming’s State Revolving Funds.
“Through these presentations, it is our endeavor to help communities tap into available resources that support their needs,” Hendon says.
Hendon also pointed out that topics will cover capacity for development through the SRF Program and Operator Certification presentations. Additionally, attendance can apply towards continuing education for W&WW operators.
Jason Thomas, Program Manager for the Wyoming Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Program said their track’s objective entails three main topics – Stormwater, Wastewater, and Enforcement and Compliance. “There will be updates on our Stormwater Program that will include new requirements plus helpful tips on applying for permit coverage. Sage grouse and migratory corridors play a critical part when applying for permits and will also be discussed.”
For wastewater permitting, Jason’s team will look at who needs a permit, who doesn’t, how to apply, and when to apply. In addition, the new WYIMS database will be introduced with plans to roll it out in 2024.
The enforcement and compliance group will cover how reporting works, what inspections entail and what the DEQ looks for during inspections, and helpful hints on how to stay in compliance.
“Our objective is to assist facilities to stay in compliance,” stated Thomas. “This type of outreach is a win for everyone.”
Those interested in attending can find more information and register on the Wyoming Water Quality Conference website (https://deq.wyoming.gov/water-quality/water-quality-conference/ ). It is encouraged to periodically check the website for updates and new information.