Rule Development

Air Enforcement Actions

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Ownership Change Forms

Did you know that Ownership Change Forms should be filled out when facility acquisitions occur and/or company name changes take place? The Air Quality Division has attached the Change of Ownership Forms for Minor Sources and Title V Facilities below for your convenience. These forms need to be completed and mailed to the following address:

ATTN: Planning Section

Wyoming DEQ - Air Quality Division
200 W 17th St, Ste 300
Third Floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002

It is important to submit completed ownership changes in a timely manner as IMPACT portal users will not have access to newly-acquired facilities until the completed forms are received and processed.

If you have any questions about ownership changes, please feel free to email or contact a staff member by phone at 307-777-7391.

Below are forms associated with ownership change.

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Search Air Quality Forms

Search all Air Quality webpage forms and documents below.

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Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.

Rule Development

The Air Quality Division State Implementation Plan and Rule Development section is responsible for developing federally approvable plans and rules necessary to ensure that the State of Wyoming retains primacy in regulating sources of air pollution as required under the Clean Air Act (CAA). 

Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations

Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQSR) are available online – click here to access them. 

Mike Morris
State Implementation Plan and Rule Development


Staying up to date on the latest rule development within AQD is easy – just sign up for our public notices by clicking here and you will receive ongoing updates on proposed rules and regulations, meetings, public hearings and more. 

Current Proposed Rules and Regulations

The Air Quality Division proposed Rules and Regulations, State Implementation Plans, Air Quality Advisory Board Meetings, and the associated Public Notices may be found in the files below. If you have questions regarding any of the materials, please contact Mike Morris at 307-777-2068.

Rule Development Process

Rule development involves a process that allows for input from the public and other stakeholders. After a Proposed Rule is developed internally by DEQ/AQD, it must undergo review by both the Wyoming Air Quality Advisory Board and the Environmental Quality Council – the public is given an opportunity to comment on the Proposed Rule prior to each stage – before it can become a State Rule. The Proposed Rule is also reviewed by the Attorney General, Legislative Services Office, and the Governor’s Office before it reaches the Secretary of State’s Office and becomes a State Rule.   

To see an illustrated flowchart of the AQD’s rulemaking process, you can access a .PDF file from the downloader below.     

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