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Did you know that Ownership Change Forms should be filled out when facility acquisitions occur and/or company name changes take place? The Air Quality Division has attached the Change of Ownership Forms for Minor Sources and Title V Facilities below for your convenience. These forms need to be completed and mailed to the following address:
ATTN: Planning Section
Wyoming DEQ - Air Quality Division
200 W 17th St, Ste 300
Third Floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002
It is important to submit completed ownership changes in a timely manner as IMPACT portal users will not have access to newly-acquired facilities until the completed forms are received and processed.
If you have any questions about ownership changes, please feel free to email deq-air-impact@wyo.gov or contact a staff member by phone at 307-777-7391.
Below are forms associated with ownership change.
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All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.
The AQD manages air emissions from all fires under two very distinct and separate programs throughout Wyoming: Smoke Management and Open Burning.
The programs, which are established in Section 2 and Section 4 of Chapter 10 of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQSR), are intended to provide equitable and workable solutions for burners that are simple to implement and provide the least burdensome process possible. These programs encompass the majority of situations burners encounter rather than rare and extreme circumstances, so if a burner is in doubt about a requirement, he/she is encouraged to contact the AQD for clarification.
The purpose of these requirements is not to address safety issues related to fire – that is the responsibility of other authorities. In addition to complying with the regulatory requirements for air quality, burners must also comply with all local (city and county), state and federal laws, regulations and ordinances relating to burning. Additionally, burners must comply with any restrictions on burning issued by the city, county or state. For more information and forms for each burn type, click the links below.
In accordance with the requirements in Chapter 10, Section 4 of the WAQSR, burners conducting large scale vegetative burning (slash piles, broadcast burns, wildland fires, with emissions >0.25 tons PM10 per day), are required to register these burns with the AQD. Burners must receive a burn ID from the AQD prior to conducting the burns.
In accordance with the requirements in Chapter 10, Section 2 of the WAQSR, open burning covers all other vegetative (with emissions <0.25 tons PM10 per day) and non-vegetative burning. Burners are required to register these burns with the AQD’s compliance staff and receive a burn permit from the AQD compliance staff prior to conducting the burns.