June 12, 2023
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Sublette County Library, Lovatt Room, 55 S Tyler Ave, Pinedale, WY

Public Meeting:  The Town of Pinedale, Wyoming, will conduct a public meeting at 5:00 PM, local time, on June 12, 2023, in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library, 155 S Tyler Ave, Pinedale, WY. The purpose of the meeting is to allow citizens to review and comment on the Pinedale Shallow Main Waterline Replacement project, which consists of removal of existing water mains and services beneath Quartz Avenue, Shanley Avenue, and Jade Street and replacement with approximately 2800 linear feet of six and eight-inch diameter pipe intended to reduce the risk of freezing and conserve water currently used for winter bleeding. This area of Town has common freezing issues resulting in: 1) costly repairs passed on to the residents, and 2) a waste of Town resources. Work includes the completion of necessary street repairs due to the location of the underground infrastructure and is anticipated to be constructed in 2024.

More information is available at:

Previous Public Meeting Notice: City of Sheridan WWTP South Clarifier Component Replacement Project