Inspection and Compliance

Enforcement Actions

The DEQ undertakes enforcement actions to preserve safe environmental conditions throughout Wyoming. 

This page contains information on the enforcement actions that the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division may undertake, as well as a record of enforcement actions that have been undertaken by SHWD.

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Electronic Document Submittal

In response to the Governor's request to limit contact and the move toward most WDEQ staff working remotely for the near future, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) have made electronic document submittal available. This includes work plans, reports, general correspondence and Solid Waste permit applications. Electronic submittal forms are now available for SHWD programs. Please choose the appropriate form from the list of links below to upload documents. If submitted electronically, no hardcopy is required to be submitted unless you are contacted by SHWD staff with a request to submit the hard copy. Please note that SHWD is unable to accept comments on documents in public notice via these forms. Please refer to the public notice for instructions on how to submit comments.   

Hazardous Waste, Voluntary Remediation, Orphan Site Programs  

Solid Waste Permitting & Corrective Action Program                      
Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.

Inspection and Compliance

The SHWD Inspection and Compliance team is responsible for ensuring that local government, business and industrial entities are in compliance with Wyoming Solid and Hazardous Waste Rules and Regulations.

Our team provides guidance and assistance to help you understand state rules and regulations, including training videos and checklists.

Find out more about what we do below:


We perform compliance inspections on the following sites: 

  • Open and closed municipal landfills
  • Industrial landfills
  • Construction and demolition landfills
  • Solid waste transfer
  • Treatment and storage facilities
  • Hazardous waste generators
  • Treatment, storage and disposal facilities
  • Used oil generators
  • Asbestos management facilities
  • Petroleum-contaminated soils facilities 
Enforcement Actions

We issue both formal and informal enforcement actions. Informal actions generally involve a letter of violation and warning. Formal actions include issuance of Notices of Violation (NOV), Cease & Desist Orders, and Referral for Penalty to the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office.


Formal enforcement actions are used to deter problem violators and are used only after all efforts have been made through conference and conciliation to return the violations to compliance.

Solid and Hazardous Waste Complaints

Our team responds to solid and hazardous waste complaints and we conduct follow-up inspections as needed to ensure compliance.

Use the above link to submit a request to the WDEQ for an extension to the 90/180/270 day hazardous waste storage time limits. 

This tab contains a variety of regulatory inspection checklists that can be used to ensure compliance with the SHWD Rules and Regulations. 

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

EPA 2021 Biennial Report

Please submit the EPA 2019 Biennial Report through the RCRA-INFO website. 

For questions, please contact Charles Plymale at 307-335-6951 or by email


This page provides a variety of guidance procedures pertaining to SHWD Inspection and Compliance. 

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Regulatory Assistance

This page contains a variety of downloadable Regulatory Assistance documents, including FAQs and documents outlining why certain regulatory procedures are required.

If the download box is not working below, please click here.


This page contains several useful training videos that help explain the SHWD Rules and Regulations. 

If the download box is not working below, please click here.
