Solid Waste

Enforcement Actions

The DEQ undertakes enforcement actions to preserve safe environmental conditions throughout Wyoming. 

This page contains information on the enforcement actions that the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division may undertake, as well as a record of enforcement actions that have been undertaken by SHWD.

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Electronic Document Submittal

In response to the Governor's request to limit contact and the move toward most WDEQ staff working remotely for the near future, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) have made electronic document submittal available. This includes work plans, reports, general correspondence and Solid Waste permit applications. Electronic submittal forms are now available for SHWD programs. Please choose the appropriate form from the list of links below to upload documents. If submitted electronically, no hardcopy is required to be submitted unless you are contacted by SHWD staff with a request to submit the hard copy. Please note that SHWD is unable to accept comments on documents in public notice via these forms. Please refer to the public notice for instructions on how to submit comments.   

Hazardous Waste, Voluntary Remediation, Orphan Site Programs  

Solid Waste Permitting & Corrective Action Program                      
Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.

Solid Waste

State law requires that all solid waste be disposed of, treated or recycled at designated facilities approved by both the SHWD and the local governing body with jurisdiction (county, city, town) in which the facility is located.  

The Solid Waste Program oversees these facilities, issuing permits, assisting with design, construction, operation, and monitoring.

Solid waste facilities that are regulated by this program include:

  • Local community landfills (both operating and closed)
  • Municipal waste baling stations and transfer facilities
  • Industrial waste landfills
  • Industrial waste treatment facilities and units
  • Used oil storage facilities

Suzanne Engels

Jody Weikart
Permitting & Corrective Action Manager

Patrick Troxel
Permitting & Corrective Action

Richard Lemm
Permitting & Corrective Action

Craig McOmie
Cease and Transfer and Landfill Remediation

Mike Jennings
C/T Project Manager


The Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program (SWP&CA) is pleased to announce the 2025 Solid Waste Training Program. Topics are based on feedback from participants of the 2024 series. These trainings and webinars are not required by the Solid Waste Rules, but are intended to help solid waste facility operators, managers, and consultants gain a better understanding of the rules and topics of interest for solid waste management. All sessions are FREE and open to solid waste professionals, consultants, and the public. Registration is required to attend and is now open for all sessions. Registration will close at 4:00pm on the day prior to each session, to register click here

MSW Landfill Operator and Manager Exam Review
Date:   March 12, 2025           Location: Casper DEQ Office

  • SWP&CA Staff will present a review of the fundamentals of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill Operator and Manager workbook.
  • At the end of the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to register for the Department’s MSW Landfill Operator and Manager Exams.

Transfer Station Operation and Management
Date:   May 6, 2025                Location: Cheyenne DEQ Office

  • This webinar will review the applicable rules and the fundamentals for compliant operation and management of a transfer station.
  • Attendees will have the option of registering for the Department’s Transfer Station Operation and Management Exam at the end of the webinar.

Green/Food Waste Composting
Date:   September 2025          Location: TBD

  • Introduction to the basics of green waste and food waste composting.
  • For in-person attendees there will be a hands-on field demonstration.
  • More information on the offerings and location for this training will be available soon.

Solid Waste Determinations
Date:   October 29, 2025        Location: Casper DEQ Office

  • The Solid and Hazardous Waste Division’s Inspection and Compliance Program will present waste determinations and how to know if your facility can accept certain wastes. Included will be how to review a laboratory report and what standards to compare against.

Do you have a topic you would like to learn more about? Would you be interested in hosting a training session? If so, please click here to complete an interest form and the Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program will contact you regarding your interest.

To stay up to date on these trainings and all things solid waste please sign up for the DEQ Solid Waste Listserv by clicking here.

Guidance and Standards

This tab provides guidance procedures and standards for handling a variety of different solid wastes in Wyoming. 

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MSW Landfill Operator/Manager Exam

In many ways, constructing, operating and maintaining a municipal solid waste landfill is similar to constructing, operating, and maintaining a highway, dam, canal, bridge, or other engineered structure.  The most important similarity is that landfills, like other engineered structures, must be constructed and operated in a manner that will provide safe, long-term, and reliable service to the communities they serve.  Proper design, construction, operation, monitoring, closure and post-closure care are critical because after disposal the waste can be a threat to human health and the environment for decades to centuries.

This workbook is intended to provide municipal landfill operators and managers in Wyoming with the fundamental knowledge and technical background necessary to ensure that landfills are operated efficiently, effectively, and in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment.

This workbook contains information regarding basic construction and operation activities that are encountered on a routine basis at most landfills.  The basic procedures and fundamental elements of landfill permitting, construction management, monitoring, closure, post-closure care, and financial assurance are also addressed.  The workbook includes informative tips and information that landfill operators and managers can use to conserve landfill space, minimize the potential for pollution, reduce operating costs, and comply with applicable rules and regulations.  In addition to this workbook, operators and managers need to become familiar with the Wyoming Solid Waste Rules and Regulations applicable to municipal solid waste.  The DEQ also provides numerous guidelines that may help understand regulatory requirements in more detail.  This information may be found at the DEQ’s website:

Sections 1-3 of this workbook should be considered an “operator’s module”.  These sections contain basic information for landfill operators.  Sections 4-9 should be considered a “manager’s module”.  These sections contain more detailed information that may be more relevant for landfill managers.

The Department of Environmental Quality, Solid and Hazardous Waste Division, Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program (DEQ) has prepared a short training course and two tests to accompany this workbook.  While this training and testing is not mandatory by rule, it may be required because it has been specified as a training requirement in a landfill’s permit application.  Many landfill operators use these resources to help ensure that landfill personnel have the basic skills necessary to do their jobs.

The first test offered by DEQ is the “Operator Examination”.  This test is based on the information in Sections 1-3.  Upon passing this test, an individual will receive operator certification from the DEQ.  The second test is the “Manager Examination”.  This test is based on the information in Sections 4-9.  Upon passing both the Operator and Manager Examinations, an individual will receive manager certification from the DEQ.  

This training is offered online. The workbook, the test preparation presentation, and the test reference materials are listed below.

The tests are now offered online! Tests can be taken any time of the year at any location. Please Click Here to Register.

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Transfer Station Operation & Management Exam

The Department of Environmental Quality, Solid and Hazardous Waste Division, Solid Waste Permitting and Corrective Action Program (DEQ) has developed a short presentation, examination, and certification for the operation and management of solid waste transfer stations.  This training focuses on the planning, design, operation, management, closure process, and recordkeeping requirements necessary to maintain compliance with the Solid Waste Rules applicable to these facilities.

The DEQ’s Transfer Station Operation and Management presentation is available using the link below and additional reference materials include the following:

The exam is offered online and can be taken any time of the year at any location. To register, please complete the exam registration form using the link below. Once the registration is received by the DEQ, you will receive a link to complete the exam from the service Quilgo. This link does not have an expiration date, however, once the exam is initiated you will have one hour to complete and submit the exam for scoring. If you pass the exam, you will receive your certificate via email. If you do not pass the exam, please register for a retake using the same registration form below.

Please Click Here to Register.

Solid Waste Facilities List

This page contains a list of all Wyoming Solid Waste Facilities permitted through this department. 

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Studies & Assessments

This tab contains a variety of studies and assessments – including diversion studies and clean-up cost assessments – concerning solid waste in Wyoming.

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This tab contains a downloadable map that outlines Wyoming's permitting and corrective action program districts for solid waste and other solid waste program maps.