New Source Review

Air Enforcement Actions

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Ownership Change Forms

Did you know that Ownership Change Forms should be filled out when facility acquisitions occur and/or company name changes take place? The Air Quality Division has attached the Change of Ownership Forms for Minor Sources and Title V Facilities below for your convenience. These forms need to be completed and mailed to the following address:

ATTN: Planning Section

Wyoming DEQ - Air Quality Division
200 W 17th St, Ste 300
Third Floor
Cheyenne, WY 82002

It is important to submit completed ownership changes in a timely manner as IMPACT portal users will not have access to newly-acquired facilities until the completed forms are received and processed.

If you have any questions about ownership changes, please feel free to email or contact a staff member by phone at 307-777-7391.

Below are forms associated with ownership change.

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Search Air Quality Forms

Search all Air Quality webpage forms and documents below.

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Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.

New Source Review

The New Source Review program pertains to new construction projects or construction projects modifying existing facilities or sources that may cause air contaminants to be issued or increase from their current levels. 

“For those that have submitted or are planning on submitting a request for a minor source operating permit in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(a)(iii) of your permit, you will need to submit an application that reflects the as-built configuration of your facility or source and it will also need to contain a demonstration in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(e).
Chapter 6, Section 2(e) states in part that no permit to operate may be granted until the applicant demonstrates (1) the facility is complying with the WAQSR at the time the permit to construct or modify was granted and with the intent of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act; and (2) the facility has been constructed or modified in accordance with the requirements and conditions contained in the permit to construct or modify.”

Applications, forms, guidance documents, and other information is available on the right.

When Is New Source Review Necessary?

In accordance with Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQSR) Chapter 6, Section 2(a)(i): “Any person who plans to construct any new facility or source, modify any existing facility or source, or to engage in the use of which may cause the issuance of or an increase in the issuance of air contaminants into the air of this state shall obtain a construction permit from the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality before any actual work is begun on the facility.” 


Oil and gas production sites that comply with the requirements of BACT may construct without obtaining prior authorization in accordance with Wyoming Statute 35-11-801(e).


NOTE: The permitting rules contained in Chapter 6 of the WAQSR do not include de minimis emission levels below which facilities or projects are exempted from permitting.


Currently, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section (o), applicants are assessed a minimum application fee of $500 as well as a minimum hourly fee of $75 per hour in order to process applications.

Andrew KeyfauverNSR Program Manager(307)
Nick MeekerNSR Program Supervisor(307)
Jack BurtonPermit Writer(307) 
Richard JacobyPermit Writer(307) 
Ken O'DonnellPermit Writer(307) 
Logan LibalPermit Writer(307) 
Applications and Forms

This tab contains downloadable application forms pertaining to New Source Review permitting (construction/modification permitting) and important information regarding the application process.

The Application Process

There are two (2) acceptable methods to submit an application. Please choose only one of the methods listed below:

  • Applications may be submitted through the IMPACT portal. Submittals through the IMPACT portal are considered sufficient and do not require paper copies. Registered IMPACT users may click here to access the IMPACT portal. First time IMPACT users may click here for further information on the IMPACT system and how to register. 
  • Two (2) paper copies (one with original signature) of each complete permit application may be mailed to the address below. [note: applications for major source permitting (such as PSD) may require submittal of additional copies. Contact New Source Review for guidance.]

NSR Permitting Program (Application)
WY Dept. of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division
200 West 17th Street, 3rd Floor 
Cheyenne, WY 82002

NOTE: The submittal of paper copies in addition to IMPACT portal submissions may result in unintentional duplication of applications and may delay application processing.

Fee Information

Once an application is filed, applicants are billed an hourly rate to cover the division’s time spent processing and reviewing their applications. The rate is a minimum fee of $105 per hour. Also, a minimum standard $1000 initial fee is charged to each application to cover the initial processing and administrative costs. The fee is not due until the Division issues an invoice. The standard fee does not cover the reviewing staff member’s time nor additional time the division may spend coordinating meetings with impacted federal land managers, hosting a public hearing or responding to comments/concerns received during the public comment period.

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Applications on Notice


Electronic copies of the Air Quality Division’s public notice, permit application analysis, and permit application are now available through the IMPACT Public-Facing Website OpenAir at  More information about OpenAir can be found here.

Public Notice Process for New Source Review Permitting Actions

After a permit application has been reviewed and the Air Quality Administrator has reached a proposed decision to approve or disapprove the request, the Division of Air Quality, in accordance with the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, will advertise such proposed decision in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the source is proposed.  This advertisement will indicate the general nature of the proposed facility, the proposed approval/disapproval of the permit, and a location in the region where the public might inspect the information submitted in support of the requested permit and the Air Quality Division’s analysis of the effect on air quality.  The public will be afforded a 30-day period in which to make comments and recommendations to the Division of Air Quality.

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality is now posting electronic copies of the Air Quality Division’s public notice, permit application analysis, and permit application on the Department’s web site for convenience and ease of access.  Electronic copies of the public notice, permit application analysis, and permit application will be available on this web page through the duration of the public comment period.  They will be removed after the comment period closes.

Submitting Public Comments

Comments must be directed to:

Nancy Vehr
Division of Air Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
200 West 17th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Comments can be mailed, faxed to (307) 635-1784, or submitted electronically at Please reference the applicable application number in your comment.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m. local time (Mountain), unless otherwise specified, on the final day of the comment period will be considered in the final determination on the permit application.


Guidance Documents

This tab contains forms and information pertaining to New Source Review Guidance procedures. 

Click here to watch the recent Wyoming AQD - Oilfield Waste Disposal Facility Guidance Webinar

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Ownership Change Forms

Did you know that Ownership Change Forms should be filled out when facility acquisitions occur and/or company name changes take place? The Air Quality Division has attached the Change of Ownership Forms for Minor Sources and Title V Facilities below for your convenience. These forms need to be completed and mailed to the following address:

ATTN: Planning Section

Wyoming DEQ - Air Quality Division
200 W 17th St, 3rd Fl
Cheyenne, WY 82002

It is important to submit completed ownership changes in a timely manner as IMPACT portal users will not have access to newly-acquired facilities until the completed forms are received and processed.

If you have any questions about ownership changes, please feel free to email or contact a staff member by phone at 307-777-7391.

Below are forms associated with ownership change. 

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.