

This tab contains the Land Quality Division's "Guidelines" for coal and non-coal operations.  The following is a break down of which Guidelines apply to what type of operations (coal, non-coal or both):

  • Coal Operations: Guidelines 6A, 6AR, 9, 13, 14, 18, 20-23 and 25;
  • Non-coal Operations: Guidelines 2, 4, 6, 12A, 16 and 19; and 
  • Both Coal and Non-coal Operations: Guidelines  1A, 1B, 3, 5, 8, 10-12, 15, 17 and 24.

Guidelines are based upon applicable provisions of the Environmental Quality Act, LQD Regulations and they contain statements of LQD policy and preferred procedures.  Except for specifically referenced statutory provisions and regulations guidelines are not subject to rulemaking procedures and are therefore not to be interpreted as regulatory requirements.  The documents below are guidelines only and should not be interpreted by permittees, interested parties, DEQ/LQD staff or other local, state or Federal governmental agencies as mandatory.

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Standard Operating Procedures

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Enforcement Actions

Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations. 



The Land Quality Division (LQD) regulates blasting in surface coal mining in Wyoming, and has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Wyoming Mine Inspector for all other mining operations in the state.

The LQD’s regulatory duties include issuing Blaster Certifications, review of shot reports for compliance and investigation and enforcement of blasting related concerns or complaints.


Reo Barney,
PE Blasting Program Manager,
Department of Environmental Quality,
Land Quality Division,
2100 West 5th Street,
Sheridan, WY 82801
(307) 675-5612

Blasting Documents

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Blasting Regulation

Please see LQD Coal Chapter 2: Permit Application Requirements and LQD Coal Chapter 6: Blasting for Surface Coal Mining Operations for additional information on regulation for surface coal mines. The two chapters may be downloaded at: In the search fields scroll to enter “Environmental Quality, Department of” in the Agency Name field, “Land Quality – Coal” in the Program field and enter “2” or “6” in the Chapter field. For additional guidance and interpretation of the blasting rules and regulations see Standard Operating Procedure No. 6.2: Blasting Regulations, Chapters 2 and 6 of the LQD Coal Rules and Regulations. 

Blaster Certification Program

The LQD issues Blaster Certification through qualifications based on experience and examination, renewals and reciprocity from other states. 

Training Opportunities and Announcements

The LQD schedules three-day Blaster Certification Training classes throughout the state during the calendar year. Below is a list of upcoming training courses. Contact the Blasting Program Manager, Reo Barney, for additional information. 


Best in the West Drill & Blasting Conference:

To be placed on an email list for future training and class announcements, please subscribe by [Clicking Here].

Wyoming DEQ Webinars for Blaster Continued Education Hours (BCEH) Program

Wyoming DEQ-LQD has hosted a series of Webinars that were previously recorded and can be used for up to sixteen (16) Blaster Continuing Education Hours (BCEH). There is no charge for the Webinars and are available to blasters outside of Wyoming.

How the Webinar process works:

Wyoming DEQ Webinar Information Downloadable

Step 1: Watch previously recorded Webinar(s) on the Wyoming DEQ Blasting Training YouTube Channel.  A description of the Webinars is available at Wyoming DEQ BCEH Webinar Description.

Step 2: Complete the Wyoming DEQ Webinar Affidavit of Attendance.  Multiple blasters and multiple Webinars can be placed on the same Affidavit of Attendance.  Please indicate if a Blaster needs a Certification of Completion (not required for Wyoming Blasters). 

Step 3: Return the Affidavit of Attendance to Reo Barney (Wyoming Blasting Program Manager) at or contact by phone at (307) 675-5612 if there are any further questions.  Please visit the Wyoming DEQ-LQD Blasting Webpage for additional information.

Recorded Webinars are available on the Wyoming DEQ Blasting Training YouTube Channel: