Diesel Replacement Application

The Diesel Replacement Program Application period is now open. Funding for this program comes from the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA 23/24 Grant) and the Volkswagen Settlement Funds. 

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is providing grant funding for early replacement of Diesel School Buses and Municipality/County Government Diesel Equipment. Eligible equipment shall meet the following criteria:

School Buses:

  • School buses with diesel engine model years 2004 through 2009
  • The replacement vehicle shall resemble the replaced vehicle in form and function
  • The new replacement bus must be powered by an EPA- or CARB-certified, 2021 or newer model year diesel or alternative-fueled engine.
  • To be eligible for replacement, the equipment must be fully operational and in current, regular service.
  • The replaced equipment must be disabled (scrapped).
  • DEQ will provide a 25% reimbursement of the final purchase price 
Municipality and County Governments:
  • WDEQ will offer DERA Grant funds to city and county governments to help replace Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks or Transit Buses equipment. This will be the first year in offering this funding.
  • Medium to Heavy Duty Trucks and Transit Buses with diesel engine model years 2000 through 2016 will be eligible for replacement.
  • The new replacement vehicle or engine must be powered by an EPA- or CARB-certified, 2021 or newer model year diesel or alternative-fueled engine.
  • To be eligible for replacement, the vehicle or engine must be fully operational and in current, regular service.
  • The replaced vehicle or engine must be disabled (scrapped). 
  • DEQ will provide a 25% reimbursement of the final purchase price of new equipment and  40% reimbursement of the final price of an engine replacement.