Water Quality Division

Enforcement Actions

The DEQ undertakes enforcement actions to preserve safe environmental conditions throughout Wyoming. 

This page contains information on the enforcement actions that the Water Quality Division may undertake, as well as a record of enforcement actions that have been undertaken by WQD.

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Electronic Documents Submittal

Electronic document submittal is available for WQD permit applications, reports, and other communications.
Visit:  WDEQ Water Quality Division Downloads

You do NOT need to follow up the electronic submission with a hard copy submission unless you are specifically contacted by a WQD staff person with a request to do so.

Need to report a spill or complaint? Please visit https://deqspills.wyo.gov/home

Submitting a public comment? WQD is unable to accept public notice comments through this system. Refer to the public notice document for instructions on how to submit comments or visit https://wq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com/comment/search.

NOTICE: All applications for water distribution systems and/or sewage collection systems that are within the Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (BOPU) district shall be submitted to the BOPU for approval. Contact Frank Strong or Bryce Dorr at (307) 637-6460, ENGreview@cheyennebopu.org, or http://cheyennebopu.org for additional information.

Recent General Permit Authorizations

The DEQ Water Quality Division accepts comments on all permits authorized under a general permit for a period of 30 days, as provided for in W.S. 35-11-801(d).

Interested persons may mail or fax comments to the main Cheyenne office. The ‘Date’ column in the table below indicates the date the authorization was posted to the website. Comments must be received before 5:00 pm on the 30th day after the authorization was posted to the website. For example, comments for an authorization posted on 10/1/18 must be received by 5:00 p.m. on 10/31/18. DEQ does not accept emailed comments.

You may sort the table by posting date or search for the type of general permit, the county where the permit was issued, the permit number, or the name of the person or company to whom the permit was issued.

If you wish to review the general permit documents, please go to the web page for each permitting program:

If the download box is not working below, please click here.

Rules and Regulations

All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.

Water Quality

The Water Quality Division works to keep Wyoming’s water clean by monitoring and protecting surface- and groundwater in the state.

This section of the DEQ website contains overviews and information regarding all of the WQD’s programs. Additionally, you may access a variety of downloadable resources – forms, studies, Rules & Regulations, guidelines, permitting information, announcements and more – by navigating to your specific program of interest. All of this information can be accessed by clicking through the directory on the left-hand side of this page.

Whether you have a question about your home’s well water, your neighborhood’s storm sewer or you are an agricultural, mineral extraction, or manufacturing business, we can help you understand the regulations that protect Wyoming’s water. 

To notify WQD that you will be plugging and abandoning a well as described in WQRR Chapter 26, Section 11, please complete the following webform: Notification of Plugging and Abandonment Form.  

To report to WQD that you have completed the well plugging and abondment process, as described in WQRR Chapter 26, Section 11, complete the following webform: Plugging and Abandonment Completion Form.

Utilize this form to report to the WDEQ monitoring wells being installed under WQR Chapter 3, Section 8 that are not otherwise part of a WDEQ regulated facility or project.

If you have a question regarding private water wells, including permits and construction, please contact the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office at 307-777-6150.

This website is designed for a user-friendly and information-accessible experience. If you have any questions, or if you are unable to locate the information you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.