The DEQ undertakes enforcement actions to preserve safe environmental conditions throughout Wyoming.
This page contains information on the enforcement actions that the Water Quality Division may undertake, as well as a record of enforcement actions that have been undertaken by WQD.
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Electronic document submittal is available for WQD permit applications, reports, and other communications.
Visit: WDEQ Water Quality Division Downloads
You do NOT need to follow up the electronic submission with a hard copy submission unless you are specifically contacted by a WQD staff person with a request to do so.
Need to report a spill or complaint? Please visit
Submitting a public comment? WQD is unable to accept public notice comments through this system. Refer to the public notice document for instructions on how to submit comments or visit
NOTICE: All applications for water distribution systems and/or sewage collection systems that are within the Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (BOPU) district shall be submitted to the BOPU for approval. Contact Frank Strong or Bryce Dorr at (307) 637-6460,, or for additional information.
The DEQ Water Quality Division accepts comments on all permits authorized under a general permit for a period of 30 days, as provided for in W.S. 35-11-801(d).
Interested persons may mail or fax comments to the main Cheyenne office. The ‘Date’ column in the table below indicates the date the authorization was posted to the website. Comments must be received before 5:00 pm on the 30th day after the authorization was posted to the website. For example, comments for an authorization posted on 10/1/18 must be received by 5:00 p.m. on 10/31/18. DEQ does not accept emailed comments.
You may sort the table by posting date or search for the type of general permit, the county where the permit was issued, the permit number, or the name of the person or company to whom the permit was issued.
If you wish to review the general permit documents, please go to the web page for each permitting program:
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All official Wyoming State Rules and Regulations are kept at the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office. Click here to view all current Rules and Regulations.
The Groundwater Pollution Control (GPC) Program evaluates potential impacts to the groundwaters of the State by activities permitted at the local, state, or federal level.
The GPC Program assists federal agencies with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews on projects like Pinedale Anticline and Moneta Divide. The GPC Program provides information and assistance to private well owners that have palatability issues or suspected contamination of their water, like the rural wells near Pavillion.
The GPC Program also reviews subdivision applications to ensure that the quality of water supply sources is adequate and that wastewater collection and treatment facilities will not impact groundwater.
The GPC Program also oversees sites where groundwater contamination already exists and cleanup is on-going, as well as sites where impacts may occur in the future. Groundwater monitoring tracks the extent and levels of existing contamination while remediation treats the groundwater to remove contaminants.
Monitoring wells and remediation projects must be permitted and constructed properly to ensure that the contamination is not spread further. Examples would be legacy GPC Program sites, which are primarily sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, or uranium mine cleanup sites. The GPC Program also issues permits for monitoring wells designed to detect potential contamination originating from coal bed methane (CBM) produced water impoundments that may reach shallow aquifers.
GPC Program Manager: Nicole Twing 307-777-8275
Lily Barkau | Groundwater Section Manager, Cheyenne | (307)777-7072 |
Vacant | Ground Section Geology Supervisor, UIC, GPC, & Federal Facilities Programs | (307)777-8275 |
John Passehl | Federal Facilities Program, Geology Supervisor, Cheyenne | (307)777-5623 |
Justin Scott | UIC Program, Geology Supervisor, Cheyenne | (307)777-7511 |
Tyler Harris | UIC Program, Project Geologist, Cheyenne | (307)777-7608 |
Aaron Birkemeier | UIC Program, Natural Resources Program Principal, Cheyenne | (307)777-5501 |
Hunter Hubbard | UIC Program, Project Geologist, Cheyenne | (307)777-2960 |
Wylee Rizzitello | GPC Program, Natural Resources Program Principal, Cheyenne | (307)777-9355 |
Julia Glicini | UIC Program, Natural Resource Analyst, Cheyenne | (307)777-6080 |
Brenden Stefanowicz | GPC Program, Natural Resource Analyst, Cheyenne | (307)777-7092 |
Graeme Finley | UIC Program, Senior Project Geologist, Casper | (307)473-3478 |
Christy Hutchinson | GPC Program, Natural Resources Program Principal, Casper | (307)473-3468 |
Steven Loose | GPC Program, Geology Supervisor, Lander | (307)335-6942 |
Jack Leitner | UIC Program, Natural Resource Analyst, Lander | (307)335-6752 |
This page contains a variety of downloadable documents and information – including the Wyoming Water Quality Form and the Transfer of Ownership Form – Pertaining to Requirements for New Facilities Capable of Causing or Contributing to Pollution
Important Document Notes:
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The GPC Program issues permits and tracks compliance monitoring data for Coal Bed Natural Gas (CBM) impoundments to ensure groundwater quality.
About CBM Impoundments
The CBM industry uses unlined surface impoundments as one option for managing produced water. As the stored water soaks into the soil, contaminants in the water or already present in the soil can leach out and reach the groundwater below the impoundments.
The GPC Program issues permits and tracks compliance monitoring data for impoundments that overlay Class III (livestock) quality shallow groundwater. Additionally, the GPC Program provides compliance monitoring data, and data obtained while drilling more than 2,000 groundwater investigation boreholes, to the general public.
Please refer to the following files below for more information
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For more information on the Wyoming Pesticide Monitoring Program and pesticide use in Wyoming, please visit the Wyoming Department of Agriculture Pesticide Program website.
Since 1995, the USGS has been monitoring pesticides in Wyoming groundwater. For more information on the USGS Pesticide Monitoring Program and results by county, please visit the USGS WY/MT Water Science Center website.
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