Wyoming's Air Quality
The Wyoming Air Quality Monitoring Network features live images and current air quality conditions from monitoring stations throughout the state.
Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms (HCBs) are dense concentrations of cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as blue-green algae, that pose a health risk to people, pets, and livestock.
Class VI Carbon Capture
Class VI Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) refers to the process in which carbon is captured from industrial processes and either utilized by turning the carbon into a new product or stored by injecting the carbon into a storage site, usually underground in a geologic formation.
Know Your Well
Every March 13th is “Know Your Well Day”, but any day is a good day to learn more about your water well and drinking water supply.
Environmental Self Audit
Wyoming’s audit law provides incentives to regulated entities to self-disclose noncompliance with environmental requirements found through environmental audits.
Operator Certification
Wyoming’s certified operators protect public health by providing safe drinking water. They protect the environment by cleaning up our wastewater before releasing it.
Winter Ozone
In 2005, the Air Quality Division recorded elevated ozone levels in the Upper Green River Basin. We know that the ozone exceedances are related to at least four factors: adequate amounts of precursor chemicals, snow cover, temperature inversions and low winds, and sunlight.
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